Office: 518-432-0617
Sales Hours no sales hours
Address 45 Discovery Drive, Rensselaer, NY 12144
Fax: 518-432-9146
Sales Hours no sales hours
Address 45 Discovery Drive, Rensselaer, NY 12144


All ILT Products are Manufactured in the USA

ILT is a US manufacturer of silicone septa that lines caps for a wide range of chemical analysis in a wide range of industries. Silicone with fluoropolymer backing, such as PTFE, is converted from raw materials into rolls that are punched and inserted into caps on our fully automated production lines.
Products manufactured are used in Chromatography analysis in Pharmaceutical labs, test methods for Environmental water and soil sampling, Clinical Diagnostic labs for research and in filling stations, Chemical Packaging for large bottle distribution of volatile chemicals and for Headspace analysis used in beverage and food quality control labs.